BARATZE BASERRI ESKOLA SL Odoo bertsioa 14.0-20230807
buruzko informazioa BARATZE BASERRI ESKOLA SL instance of Odoo, the Ireki ERP-iturria.
Instalatutako aplikazioak
- Salmentak
- From quotations to invoices
- Fakturazioa
- Invoices & Payments
- Track leads and close opportunities
- Webgune
- Enterprise website builder
- Inbentarioa
- Manage your stock and logistics activities
- Erosketak
- Purchase orders, tenders and agreements
- Proiektua
- Organize and plan your projects
- Eposta marketina
- Design, send and track emails
- Langileak
- Centralize employee information
- Account Financial Reports
- OCA Financial Reports
- Baratze
- Módulo Baratze
- MIS Builder
- Build 'Management Information System' Reports and Dashboards
- Web editor in Mobil
- Extend editor to work on mobile
- Eztabaidatu
- Chat, mail gateway and private channels
- Kontaktuak
- Centralize your address book
- Egutegia
- Schedule employees' meetings
- Blog-ak
- Publish blog posts, announces, news
- Aginte-mahaiak
- Build your own dashboards
- Bertaraturikoak
- Track employee attendance
- Oharrak
- Organize your work with memos
Installed Localizations / Account Charts
- AEAT Base
- Modulo base para declaraciones de la AEAT
- Plantillas MIS Builder para informes contables españoles
- Plantillas MIS Builder para informes contables españoles
- TicketBAI
- Declaración de todas las operaciones de venta realizadas por las personas y entidades que desarrollan actividades económicas